
Excitement for the Future!

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. Text:  Isaiah 65:18 Old Testament:  Isaiah 65:17-25 New Testament:  II Thessalonians 3:6-13                     Imagine a divided nation.   People of the nation are conflicted over how to live together.  National unity is threatened by the oppositional positions each group brings to their national life.                 One group experiments with new ways of living that had originally been prohibited by God.  The people in this group were warned to stop. …

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Power in Faith

Rev. Dr. John Lolla, Jr. Text:  II Thessalonians 1:11 Old Testament:  Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:14 New Testament:  II Thessalonians 1                   Faith is powerful!  Faith inspires people to extraordinary achievements.  Faith arouses people to unexpected vitality.  Faith elevates people to unimagined heights of hope.  Faith calms people with uncommon assurance. Faith is the limitless energy that animates life. People who are leaders inspire faith.  Leaders command respect by their faith.  Leaders don’t’ inspire people by…

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Notes of the True Church

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. Text:  II Timothy 4:3-4 Old Testament:  Joel 2:23-32 New Testament:  I Timothy 4:1-8                   We live in the modern world.  America is the mecca of science and technology.  We are used to scientific research generating technological marvels.  Many of us have benefited from our increase in human knowledge.                 We don’t consider ourselves to be fanciful thinkers.  We know the difference between fantasy and reality.   We see the…

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