Author: Church Assistant
Moving Mountains
Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. Text: Matthew 17:20 Old Testament: Isaiah 40:3-5 New Testament: Matthew 21:18-22 When George Washington met with the Senaca warrior Guyasuta at the confluence of the Ohio, there was a tiny shred of faith that inspired the meeting. Beyond the forests, trees, rivers, and mountainsides, God would bless this place with a community of peace. Someone once said, Pittsburgh is the most unlikely spot to build a…
Measuring Worship!
Rev. John J. Lolla, Jr. Text: II Timothy 3:5 Old Testament: Isaiah 58 New Testament: II Timothy 3:1-7 There seems to be a shift in worship expectations. This shift isn’t limited to one generation or another. I say “seems to be” because I can only measure this by my experience as a pastor from 1980 until today. It seems that people come to worship with expectations about what they ought to get…
Living in the Spirit
Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. Text: I Corinthians 12:7 Old Testament: Isaiah 43:1-13 New Testament: I Corinthians 12:4-13 How far back can you remember? Can you remember that time of innocence when you weren’t aware of life’s trials, tribulations, and temptations? When did you last see with the eyes of a child the wonderful joy in life? That’s why you were given life by God – to see the joy of His blessings…
Do You Believe?
Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. August 7, 2016 Text: Romans 8:28 Old Testament: Psalm 33:18-22 New Testament: Romans 8:18, 24-28 All of us believe in something. But do you believe in Jesus? What does it mean to say you believe in Jesus in a land where the only limit to your food is the money in your wallet? What does it mean for you to say you believe in Jesus in a country…