
With Our Hearts Sprinkled Clean

November 15, 2015   Hebrews 10: 11-15, 19-25 Rev. Catherine Purves        I had forgotten how hard it is to keep things clean when you have a two year old running around.  A few weeks ago we babysat our granddaughter Isla while her parents were in Phoenix on a job interview.  In the process of trying to keep her clean, I washed my hands so many times that I had to apply hand cream several…

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Not So Fast

November 8, 2015   Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25   Mark 12: 38-44 Rev. Catherine Purves         What do you think of these new cars that can virtually drive themselves?  We have come so far beyond cruise control; it’s amazing.  There are cars now that can park themselves.  I could use one of those.  And there are cars that can see what’s in front of them and that will stop by themselves if you’re going to run…

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The Death of Death

November 1, 2015   Isaiah 25: 6-9   John 11: 32-44 Rev. Catherine Purves        Easter comes but once a year.  And that’s generally when we talk about the death of death.  A lot of the rest of the year we talk about how to live and what to think and what the Bible says about all sorts of things.  We arrange and rearrange these ideas and we come up with a sense of what it…

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The “Alones” of the Reformation

October 25, 2015   Deuteronomy 6: 1-9   Romans 10: 9-14 Rev. Catherine Purves        The Reformation was a huge event that changed world history, and not just in terms of religion.  It had far reaching consequences for government and culture; it changed the face of Europe.  The Reformation caused such rapid and irreversible change that its effects might be more accurately described as a revolution, though the aim of those who led the Reformation was…

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Where Were You?

October 18, 2015   Job 38: 1-7   Mark 10: 35-45 Rev. Catherine Purves       People have an amazing ability to get caught up in the immediacy of their own experience.  When things are very good, as at a wedding or the birth of a baby, or when things are very bad, as at a funeral or when a relationship is breaking down – that is when we seem to zero in on our own feelings and…

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