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Finding Hope in Christmas

December 1, 2019 Barbara Gusew When the angel spoke to Mary, I’m sure she was shocked. I mean, can you image that after hearing about the coming Messiah all your life (even though she was only 13 or 14) now the time had come and you were going to be the one to deliver Him to the world? How could she believe it? Why would she believe it? Because she had HOPE in the Word…

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Love for a Broken World

NT reading:  Acts 1:6-8 Sermon brought to you by Jonathan Cordle from Crossroads Passion for Jesus; Love for one another; Love for a broken world. This week we’re focusing on love for a broken world. When look at the world today, we may get various reactions. One may be a sense of despair. If you want to, you can find lots of things wrong with politicians, government; corporations, neighborhood crime. Lots of possible reasons to…

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Life Renewal

Rev. Dr. Jack Lolla, Jr. August 27, 2017 Text: Romans 12:2,      O.T.: Psalm 214,      N.T.: Romans 12:1-8                   There are many authors whose conclusions we disagree with.  But there remains an element of truth in them.  Karl Marx was concerned about how people identify their worth in terms of what they earn.  This results in a conflict between the haves and the have nots that can lead to class conflicts we don’t want to…

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Reflections on God’s Irrevocable Gift

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. August 22, 2017 Text: Romans 11:29, Old Testament: Psalm 133, New Testament: Romans 11:1-2a, 29-36                   Sin is the sign God’s authority is not accepted.                 Sin shows independence from God.  Sin is people wanting to live life the way they think is right, the way they want, regardless of whether it follows God’s will for their lives.                 Sin is uncompromising pride in our own rightness as…

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Virtue in Not Overthinking

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. August 13, 2017 Text: Romans 10:6-7,  Old Testament: Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b,  New Testament: Romans 10:5-17                   Believing in Jesus isn’t meant to be complicated.  There is a simplicity to having faith in Jesus as God’s Son that doesn’t need explanation.  Just have faith.                 This is what the Apostle Paul says continually in his epistles.  “We are saved by grace through faith alone and this is not…

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