
Two Christmas Stories

Christmas Eve 2014   Luke 2: 1-14   John 1: 1-14 Rev. Catherine Purves        We just read two stories of one event that could hardly be more different from one another.  Like night and day, these two Christmas stories reveal the truth about Jesus’ birth but in such different ways.  Both seek to express the meaning of an event that should stretch our imaginations nearly to the breaking point.  But Luke does that by describing…

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A House for God

December 21, 2014   2 Samuel 7: 1-11   Luke 1: 26-38 Rev. Catherine Purves        “Home Sweet Home” – how many of us warm to that thought?  Having a place you can call home is not just part of the American dream.  Surely, this is a universal human desire:  to have a place, your own place, that you can call home.  Ideally, home is where you feel safe and secure.  It is where you put…

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Do Not Quench the Spirit

December 14, 2014   Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11   1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 Rev. Catherine Purves        On Friday of this week I was reading our Advent Devotional.  Let me commend those of you who have contributed your thoughts about the daily Scripture passages.  You have come up with some really insightful and helpful comments.  And thanks again to Ken Ference and Barb Gusew who spearheaded the project and enabled us to have this useful Advent…

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Straight Paths

December 7, 2014   Psalm 85:  1-2, 8-13   Mark 1:  1-8 Rev. Catherine Purves        Imagine, if you can, an airport runway that isn’t straight.  Consider the difficulties that would pose for airplanes trying to take off or land.  Even with dead straight runways it is hard for pilots to maneuver mammoth planes into position for takeoff.  Once airborne it’s a little easier to steer and aim, but it’s still a tricky business.  I’ve heard…

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Advent Impatience

November 30, 2014   Isaiah 64: 1-9   Mark 13: 24-33 Rev. Catherine Purves        Do you like to count on things?  Isn’t it nice to have a fuel gauge in your car and a thermostat in your house?  Knowing where you stand and what to expect keeps you relatively sane.  I don’t know anyone who really likes unpredictability when it comes to important things.  Paychecks should be there on payday.  You want the drug store…

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