
Walking on Water

August 10, 2014   Psalm 69: 1-3, 13-18   Matthew 14:  22-33 Rev. Catherine Purves        In the cosmic battle between good and evil, water is not your friend.  If you stop to think about it, in the Bible, water, storms, the sea, floods, and even rivers pose a real threat to God’s people.  The great 20th century theologian, Karl Barth wrote that, water in the creation story is “the principle which in its abundance and…

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We Have Nothing Here

August 3, 2014   Matthew 14: 13-21 Rev. Catherine Purves        This year our Vacation Bible School kids brought in $98.50 in offerings in five days.  Considering that we only had 22 kids on our best day, that’s pretty amazing.  They were motivated because for every 25 cents that they donated a hungry person somewhere in the world would be given a healthy meal.  So, in effect, they donated 394 meals and they were ecstatic…

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Who Will Separate Us from the Love of Christ?

July 27, 2014   Romans 8: 26-39 Rev. Catherine Purves       Things were a little hectic before I went off on vacation.  The theory was that I would write this sermon before I left since we wouldn’t be leaving until the Friday after I last led our worship.  That sounded like a good plan, but it didn’t work out.  So I went away knowing that I’d have to write a sermon while I was on vacation. …

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The Abundant Life

An Abundant Life Mike Carlin July 13, 2014  Romans 8:1-11, Matthew 13: 1-9. 18-23   Intro                                                                                                                                                  I believe there is an important debate that is occurring in the first century church which is helpful for our conversation this morning.  The debate focuses on bringing Jewish believers and Gentile believers into a single community, and it hinged on the law. For Jewish believers, Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of all they believed.  He was their messiah,…

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7-06-14 Eagle Christians

Eagle Christians 07-06-14  Proverbs 30: 18, 19 Isaiah 40: 28-31 Rev. Linda Ruby Being July 4th week end, our focus is often on celebration.  We are to remember the men and women who have defended our freedom and we remember those who have fought so valiantly.  And so we should. As I drove into Bellevue, the flags are flying in celebration. In West View, there are flags at every lamp post and last night we…

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