
Mile 19

August 18, 2013                  Hebrews 12: 1-7  Charissa Clark Howe I have a feeling many of you guessed as soon as you heard the scripture for today where I was going to go with this sermon. I apologize if I’m a little too predictable. . . I’m definitely going to talk about running races this morning. I’m only 8 weeks away from another full marathon and I’m a little bit single minded right now. This is the…

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Guess Who’s coming To Dinner

  Hosea 1:2-10 July 28, 2013                       Michael Carlin   Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner was a film from 1967.  It was a comedy/drama of sorts starring Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Sydney Poitier and Katharine Houghton.  It focused on the controversial subject of interracial marriage, the marriage of Sydney Poitier, a black man to Katharine Houghton, a white woman, an act which was illegal in 17 states at the time the film was being made.  When…

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Out of Gas

Out of Gas July 21, 2013   Luke 10: 38-42 Rev. Catherine Purves        Don’t you just want to kick yourself when you run out of gas?  Because it’s not like you didn’t see it coming.  Every car has a gas gauge, and you can see the needle dropping closer and closer to empty as you set off on just one more errand, one more quick trip to the post office or the food store. …

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Passing By

July 14, 2013   Psalm 84   Luke 10: 25-37 Rev. Catherine Purves      I’ve walked along that road, the road from Jericho to Jerusalem.  It was years ago now, but it’s something that you never forget.  I was with a group, but we had all spread out, so it was a solitary walk.  This “road” is little more than a dirt path through the desert that winds its way through steep rock formations.  I could see…

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The Healing of Naaman

July 7, 2013   2 Kings 5: 1-14 Rev. Catherine Purves        From the ancient story of David and Goliath to the modern epic of Harry Potter, everyone seems to like a good story in which the little guy wins in the end.  Perhaps we all fancy ourselves as unsung heroes.  Or maybe it’s just that almost everyone resents the self-important power-driven people who seem to have all the luck and who always claim center…

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