
Always Trinity

Trinity Sunday  May 26, 2013   Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31   John 16: 12-15 Rev. Catherine Purves      It seems to be part of our human nature that we are problem solvers.  We cast a critical eye on the world around us and we perceive things that need to be fixed.  Perhaps this is intellectual pride, or a drive to dominate our environment, or a need to feel useful and creative.  Or it may be a subtle…

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A Spirit of Adoption

Pentecost   May 19, 2013   Acts 2: 1-12   Romans 8: 14-17 Rev. Catherine Purves      Every Wednesday morning I pray for children without homes or families.  That is one of about six set petitions that are included in the intercessory prayers I use. They change depending on what day of the week it is.  So, on Wednesday, every Wednesday, I pray for children who have no loving family and children who have no home. I was…

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God Works in Mysterious Ways

May 12, 2013   Acts 16: 16-34 Rev. Catherine Purves       I am at that age when most people have already had to figure out what it means to be a grandparent.  I’m certainly not eager to feel old enough to have grandchildren, but I imagine that at 62 many of you were already known as Grandma or Granddad.  My main role model for grandparenthood is my mother’s mother who lived to be 100.  So I…

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Up There or Down Here

Ascension   May 5, 2013   Ephesians 1: 17-23   Luke 24: 44-53 Rev. Catherine Purves      Elevators used to be entertaining before they were thoroughly mechanized and depersonalized.  I remember when there was actually a profession called ‘elevator operator.’  This was back in the day when elevators had metal grills and hand operated doors, when people, apparently, couldn’t press buttons, or remember the floors they wanted.  When I worked in department stores in Philadelphia and Edinburgh they…

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Wholly Holy People

April 28, 2013   Leviticus 19: 1-2, 9-18   John 13: 31-35 Charissa C. Howe  “Holy, holy, holy. Lord God, Almighty.” Holy. Holy. HOLY. We sang it earlier this morning in what is for many, a favorite hymn.  God is holy.  God is holy and He tells His people that “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.”  God is holy and His people will be holy. There’s a great song by the…

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