
Lamb and Shepherd

April 21, 2013   Revelation 7: 9-17   John 10: 22-30 Rev. Catherine Purves      A compass is a wonderful thing to have when you are lost.  No matter where you are or what predicament you’ve gotten yourself into, it will point to true north.  It will restore your sense of direction.  It will enable you to move forward with confidence.  You could be totally confused, your world turned upside down, but it will point true, and…

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A New Life

April 7, 2013   Acts 9: 1-6   John 21: 1—14 Rev. Catherine Purves      Do you know what an ‘app’ is?  I’m not entirely sure I do.  But I gather it is something that you add to your smart phone.  I don’t have a smart phone, so I don’t have ‘apps’.  But apparently, you can get an ‘app’ for just about anything.  And they will allow you (and your phone) to do all sorts of amazing…

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April 7, 2013 Psalm 118: 14-24 John 20: 19-31 Rev. Catherine Purves Proof is a good thing. You may be surprised to hear me say that, since we in the church always seem to be talking about faith. But the familiar post-resurrection stories of Jesus appearing first to his disciples and then to Thomas are not implying that proof or a desire for proof is bad. This much seems obvious to me: Jesus came into…

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