
The Cross of Destiny

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. April 9, 2017  Text: Matthew 25:15 Old Testament:  Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 New Testament: Matthew 21:1-17                   Jesus entered Jerusalem this day to a fanfare!  When I imagine this first day of Holy Week, I imagine a Steelers Super Bowl parade.  Thousands of adoring fans are wanting to catch a glimpse of their hero.  Children and parents are along the boulevard, leaning from buildings above the street, standing on…

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The Cross of Life

Rev. Dr. Jack J. Lolla, Jr.  Text:  John 11:25-26 Old Testament: Psalm 130 New Testament: John 11:1-45                   Life’s filled with contradictions.                 Living with contradictions is a great challenge of faith.                 We believe God wants justice.  Yet the sun shines equally on the just and unjust.   We yearn for peace.  But we revolution and war are needed for it.  Babies bring happiness.  But a baby’s delivery is painful.                  We want joy. …

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The Cross of Castaways

 Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. March 26, 2017 Text:  John 9:31 Old Testament: Psalm 23 New Testament: John 9:1-41                   All around us are congregations whose sanctuaries are void of the Cross.  These newer sanctuaries reflect an architectural decision made by church designers and congregations trying to appeal to young people.  They’re practicing the Golden Rule of a new Christianity.  “Don’t let your Christianity show!”                 It’s a different world today than when…

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The Cross in the Night

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr.  March 12, 2017 Old Testament: Genesis 12:1-4a New Testament: John 3:1-17 Text:  John 3:14                   What stirs you in the middle of the night?                 Sometimes it’s the unresolved problems of the day.  Other times it’s excitement about tomorrow.  Still other times we’re stirred in the night by guilt.  Guilt is the sign that your conscience doesn’t stop working when the mind and body rests.                  The conscience…

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The Cross in the Road

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. March 5, 2017   Text: Matthew 4:10 O.T.: Genesis 2:15-17 N.T.: Matthew 4:1-13                   Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, is a classic in children’s literature.   As in many children’s stories, there are several scenes that have sublime messages for adults, as well as children.  One such scene is when Alice is on her way to the Mad Hatter’s tea party.  She comes to a crossroads where she meets…

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