
Reaching Behind Bars

Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. January 28, 2018  Text: Mark 1:27, O.T.: Deuteronomy 18:15-20, N.T.: Mark 1:21-28            Over 40 years ago Charles Colson was Special Counsel for Richard Nixon. He was near the pinnacle of American government – rubbing shoulders with the world’s most powerful men. He was a Marine and a lawyer in a powerful Washington D.C. firm. He knew the law. He understood semper fidelis. Yet, he landed in prison. When…

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Sent to Catch

  Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. January 21, 2018 Text: Mark 1:17, O.T.: Jonah 3:1-5, N.T.: Mark 1:14-20                 Jesus gathered followers for one purpose – to go fishing. He made no apologies. He made no other promises to those He sought, and had no other expectations for them. He had one thing in mind – go fishing. Now maybe Jesus used this image because the men He originally sought were fishermen. They weren’t…

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Be the Temple!

   Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. January 14, 2018 Text: I Corinthians 6:19, O.T.: I Samuel 3:1-10, N.T.: I Corinthians 6:12-20             Jack LaLane died in 2011. Before there was health consciousness in America, there was Jack LaLane. He was the grandfather of America’s fitness culture. At the age of 60 he swam from Alcatraz to Fisherman’s Warf in San Franscisco. He towed a boat behind him on his swim. For many Americans, Jack…

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The House for All Ages

Rev. Jack J. Lolla, Jr. December 24, 2017 Text: II Samuel 7:16, O.T.: II Samuel 7:4-16, N.T.: Romans 16:25-27             We live in a disposable culture. Tearing down a historic building barely scratches the American conscience. There are a few preservationists and historians who resist the cultural tide. They like old things. Most just don’t care. Then, there are people. Staying touch with old friends is hard to do with the hectic pace we keep.…

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The Desert’s Voice

 Rev. Dr. John J. Lolla, Jr. December 17, 2017 Text: John 1:23, O.T.: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, N.T.: John 1:6-9, 19-28   Between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea lies the Judean Desert. Jerusalem’s Temple Mount lies 4,000 feet above the lowest point of this desert at the banks of the Dead Sea. Running 20 miles from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea lies the Kidron Valley. It begins with the Eastern Wall of Jerusalem’s Old City. It…

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